Every year, 快播app Corporation Shareholders participate in an Annual Meeting to elect members to the , vote on any proposed resolutions, and receive updates on 快播app’s business operations. Because of the high cost of travel, these meetings are held in a different community each year.

2024 Annual Meeting of Shareholders

  • Date/Time: June 7, 2024: 10 am-1:30 pm Shareholder Registration; Annual Meeting begins at 1 pm
  • Community: Anchorage (Dena’ina Center)
  • Voting: Scheduled to begin on April 29, 2024 (see Voting Materials below)
  • 2023 Videos: and

2024 Annual Meeting Theme

Image that reads Ciunerkaput Elluarqurluku

Ciunerkaput Elluarqurluku (鈥淐onstantly perfecting our path forward鈥)

Read our Yup’ik Teaching Moment about Ciunerkaput Elluarqurluku in the May/June 2024 Storyknife newsletter.

Did you know?

In 2023, a record-breaking 80 percent of Shareholders voted online, saving ~1,300 pounds of paper! #SaveTreesForMaqiis

  • Voting Materials

    2024 Annual Meeting materials are scheduled to be distributed beginning on April 29, 2024.

    Annual Meeting are distributed either by mail (default) or by email (to those who opted for electronic delivery).

    By Mail (default)

    Two items are mailed to eligible Shareholders via USPS First Class mail. This option uses 100 pages of paper or more.

    Annual Meeting Packet (1 per household): This large packet (about 10″ by 13″) includes the Annual Report book with audited financials, a Proxy Booklet (candidate and current Director info, agenda, proxy prize lists, and more), and a comment card.
    Proxy Voting Form (1 per voting Shareholder): Each individual voting Shareholder will receive via standard envelope containing an official Proxy Form for voting and a postage-paid return envelope addressed to the Inspector of Elections. The back of each official Proxy Form will include the Shareholder’s name, PIN to vote online, number of shares owned, number of votes available, and other details.

    Electronic Delivery option (opt-in)

    Email: An email is sent to each Shareholder who opted for electronic delivery. The email contains a link to the Annual Meeting materials, the PIN to vote online, and a link to the online voting website 快播appVote.com.

    Mailed PIN letter: As a backup to email, a single piece of paper is mailed via USPS First Class to each Shareholder who opts for electronic delivery. The letter notes that Annual Meeting materials are available electronically, the PIN to vote at 快播appVote.com, and a link to the online voting website.

    Did you know?

    The average Shareholder completes online voting in less than 4 minutes.

  • Where’s My PIN?

    Regardless of how you receive Annual Meeting materials, your online voting PIN is available using our on the day that materials are mailed.

    Receive Annual Meeting materials by mail? Your PIN is located on the back of your Proxy Form. You can also look up your PIN on the same day materials go in the mail.

    Receive Annual Meeting materials electronically? You will receive your PIN by email on the mail date, and you will also receive a first-class postage mailer with your PIN.

    What should I do if I lose or forget my voting PIN?

    Use the on our voting site. Enter your full birthdate (MM/DD/YYYY, for example 01/02/2021) and the last 4 of your SSN.

  • Proxy Prizes and Deadlines

    2024 Annual Meeting Proxy Prizes

    Who receives proxy votes and selects proxy prize winners?

    All proxy votes and ballots are received, verified, and counted by the independent Inspector of Elections (not 快播app staff).

    All proxy prize winners are randomly drawn by the Inspector of Elections. The Inspector of Elections is Sramek-Hightower, a certified public accounting firm with offices in Anchorage.

    Did you know?

    Proxy prizes are only awarded if quorum is reached and the Annual Meeting is valid.

  • FAQs on Campaigning and Endorsements

    As a Shareholder, can I campaign for any candidate of my choosing on social media?

    Yes. However, please be aware requires any person who distributes materials (posts, comments or shares) relating to proxy solicitations to at least 30 Alaska resident Shareholders must send the materials to the Alaska Division of Banking and Securities at the same time the materials are distributed to Shareholders. This includes any materials published on the Internet. Shareholders may meet this legal requirement by emailing the proxy materials to ancsa@alaska.gov.

    I don鈥檛 know any of the candidates. Who should I vote for?

    Pursuant to the 快播app Bylaws and Election Policies and Procedures, the 快播app Board has endorsed candidates: Myron P. Naneng, Sr. for Unit 1, Audrey Alstrom for Unit 2, Glenn J. Ivanoff for Unit 3, and Ronald B. Hoffman for the At-Large Unit. Biographical information and a personal statement from each candidate are provided in the Proxy Statement, and at www.calistavote.com.

    Why are there Board-endorsed candidates?

    The 快播app Board believes that it would be good to let the Shareholders know which candidates the Board has determined would best serve 快播app and the Shareholders. This year the Board has endorsed four candidates: Myron P. Naneng, Sr. for Unit 1, Audrey Alstrom for Unit 2, Glenn J. Ivanoff for Unit 3, and Ronald B. Hoffman for the At-Large Unit. Information on the candidates can be found at our Board Slate webpage.

    Is it legal for the Board to endorse one or more board candidates?

    Yes, Alaska law permits ANCSA corporation boards to endorse candidates. Top-performing corporations, including Fortune 500 companies, often endorse board candidates.

    Why should I vote for Board-endorsed candidates?

    快播app has been growing fast, has been consistently profitable for a number of years, and has been increasing distributions and other benefits to Shareholders. Voting for Board-endorsed candidates is a way to express support for 快播app鈥檚 leadership and help it continue to produce positive results for the Shareholders. We encourage all Shareholders to review the Annual Report in detail to learn more about 快播app鈥檚 performance this last year.

  • Meeting Location

    Anchorage is the location for the June 7, 2024 Annual Meeting of Shareholders at the Dena’ina Center.

    The 2023 Annual Meeting of Shareholders was held on June 2, 2023, in Platinum.

    Since the cost of travel is expensive for Shareholders, annual meetings are held in a different community every year. Meeting locations聽in the 快播app Region are selected by the . Also, the Annual Meeting of Shareholders is held at least once every five years in Bethel, and at least once every seven years in Anchorage.

    Did you know?

    Only Bethel, Kasigluk, Aniak and St. Mary’s have hosted more than one Annual Meeting in 快播app’s history (through 2023).

  • Quorum – If Too Few Shareholders Vote

    More than 50 percent of 快播app shares must be voted to reach quorum and conduct a valid Annual Meeting.

    If too few Shareholders vote, the Annual Meeting must be rescheduled, costing 快播app and its Shareholders significant time, effort, and money. Also, proxy prizes are only awarded if quorum is reached.

    Historically, the average Shareholder voting participation of all Annual Meetings is only 51.15%. For the 2017-2022 Annual Meetings, less than 4 in 10 Shareholders 18-39 years old voted. And less than half of Shareholders in their 40s voted during that timeframe.

    Quorum definition

  • Shareholder Awards

    2024 快播app Corporation Shareholder Awards: See the Winners!

    快播app Shareholder Awards recognize exceptional efforts by Shareholders to uphold the cultural values of the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta and its communities. Each award recipient will receive a plaque and $1,500.

    快播app's 2024 Shareholder Award Recipients: Audrey Leary, Shareholder of the Year; Elizabeth Kasayuli, Culture Bearer; Fr., Stanley Heckman, Elder of the Year; Janet Andrew, Educator of the Year; Daphne Nicholai, Blackbull Native Store, Business of the Year.

    快播app’s 2024 Shareholder Award Recipients: Audrey Leary, Shareholder of the Year; Elizabeth Kasayuli, Culture Bearer; Fr. Stanley Heckman, Elder of the Year; Janet Andrew, Educator of the Year; Daphne Nicholai, Blackbull Native Store, Business of the Year.

    See the List and Bios of Shareholder Award Winners
  • Quick Facts

    Quick Facts

    • Through 2023, a total of 35 communities have hosted annual meetings
    • To save over $40,000 and reduce paper use by about 3 tons each year, Annual Meeting Packets are now delivered one per Shareholder household. for more details on the Annual Meeting Packet Mailing Change, effective 2018.
    • From 2019-2020, Shareholders who opted to receive Annual Meeting materials electronically saved over 2,300 pounds of paper
    • Online voting was first made available in 2014
    • Of 快播app’s roughly 37,000 Shareholders, about 7,300 are original Shareholders
    • On average, only 5.1 of every 10 Shareholders vote
    • Less than 4 minutes: The time it takes a majority of Shareholders to vote online at 快播appVote.com
    • Over 6 in 10: The number of Shareholders who voted online since 2018
    • Over 1 in 3: The number of voting Elders who voted online since 2019