Quyana Tailuci! Enrollment continues. ¿ì²¥app Corporation is providing and from Descendants of original ¿ì²¥app Shareholders and Alaska Natives who were eligible to enroll as Shareholders in 1971 but did not. ¿ì²¥app issued the first Class C and Class D shares in December 2017.
Applicants and/or their legal representatives are encouraged to gather necessary verification documents in preparation for open enrollment.
In addition, Applicants and Sponsors will need information about the Original Shareholder(s) the Applicant is descended from – such as ¿ì²¥app Enrollment Number, first name, last name, year of birth, last four digits of Social Security Number, Village Corporation tie, and relationship to the Applicant.
Video: How to Apply
Please share information about Descendant Enrollment with family and friends. If you have any questions, or for more information about the new stock enrollment and acceptable verification documents, please review the . You may also contact the Enrollment Team at enroll@calistacorp.com or call:
- 1-800-277-5516 (toll-free)
- 1-907-275-2900 (Anchorage)
- 1-907-543-5420 (Bethel)